Some Days...

Some mornings when you don’t even wanna wake up and get out of bed, you lay there thinking how you even got to that point in time. That’s when you remember all the stuff that has happened to you over the years. All those memories you made, all those dumb things you did, the places you’ve been to, the things that made you laugh, the things that got you down, the things that got you mad, the things that you had to leave behind and the embarrassing things, especially those!

There is a story behind every person. The more stories you listen to, the more you get to know the person and the world around you. Everyone’s story is a bit different, a different machine maybe. The things you learn adds up to yours, adding newer parts, changing you as a person for the better or worse. When things go south, remember that your machine is not entirely yours because it needs parts from others to work. Many a time, it needs to work with others, some you may like and some you may not. But eventually it leads you to where you are supposed to be and that my good friend is how you got there.

The great moments in your life won’t necessarily be the things you do; they will also be the things that happen to you. It’s not like you can’t take action to affect the outcome of your life. You have to take action and you will. But never forget that, on any day you could step out the front door and your whole life can change forever. The universe has a plan, something that you don’t always or may never even see, but that plan… It’s always in motion. A butterfly flaps its wings somewhere and it starts to rain somewhere else. It’s a scary thought, but it’s also kind of wonderful. All these little parts of the machine, constantly working, making sure you are exactly where you are supposed to be, exactly when you are supposed to be there. The right place at the right time.

A change in perspective can always change your outlook on the events past, present and even future. So look out for those little things that happen to you without warning but don’t always go looking out for those because you will never find them that way!

Inspired from a very long conversation with a very good friend. Don't ever dream small😜


  1. 'On any day you cud step out of your frnt door and ur whole lyf can change forever'-well written. And der r some more sentences well framed.I wish, u dream big ,and dat , ur dreams always come true(the universe is on yet another plan ;for u)

    1. Thank you! And about the dreams. Hope for the best 😁

  2. superb work
    nice starting.... that happened for most time to me 😁

    "There is a story behind every person. The more stories you listen to, the more you get to know the person and the world around you"
    agrred ..
    sometimes ppl hear alot of stories but listen to only those are in their world.

    loved the machine things..
    all the best

    1. Hey! Thanks for commenting.
      Those days... It happens to all of usπŸ˜‰.
      Glad you liked the parts about machines. Keep them well oiled.
      When you think about it we do listen to all stories (or atleast try to) and we accept what we think is good for us. I guess thats okay.
      Hope to see your support in the upcoming posts as well.

  3. Good work..
    Keep going..
    Full support ..

    1. Thanks da... Can always count on you :)

  4. Ramesh Ramachandran31 August 2017 at 07:06

    Makes a lot uff sense buddy...


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